Takács Quartet

Click on the thumbnails to download the corresponding images.
When name available, please give proper credit to photographer.

Tákacs Quartet
Credit: Ian Malkin
2.1 MG

Tákacs Quartet
Credit: Ian Malkin
1.5 MB

Tákacs Quartet
Credit: Ian Malkin
3.2 MB

Tákacs Quartet
Credit: Ian Malkin
875 KB

Tákacs Quartet
Credit: Ian Malkin
820 KB

Tákacs Quartet
Credit: Amanda Tipton
18.4 MG

Tákacs Quartet
Credit: Amanda Tipton
16.4 MG

Tákacs Quartet
Credit: Amanda Tipton
16.4 MG

Tákacs Quartet
Credit: Amanda Tipton
16.8 MG

Tákacs Quartet
Credit: Amanda Tipton
13.1 MG

Tákacs Quartet
Credit: Amanda Tipton
18.5 MG

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